Energy Efficiency Survey

The best way to calculate the benefits that energy saving window film can provide is for The Window Film Company to carry out an Energy Efficiency Survey. Using specialist software, our trained staff will be able to provide a full, bespoke illustration of the return on investment you can expect.

It’s important to be aware that window film will only realise you an energy saving if your premises meets the following criteria:

  • Have at least 200m2 of glass
  • Have windows which make up a large proportion of the building's elevations
  • Have an air conditioning system, ideally with a separate metered heating and cooling supply

If your building meets these criteria, it is likely that an application of our window film will help you realise cost savings as well as reducing your greenhouse gas emissions and carbon footprint.

Our specialist team will visit your premises and carry out a survey, before providing you with a bespoke report detailing the savings and payback period for your specific situation.

If your building does not meet the minimum criteria above, if you can provide as much of the following information as possible, we may be able to supply you with an approximate guide.

  1. Overall m2 of glass
  2. The percentage of windows compared to wall
  3. Building shape and orientation
  4. Width and length of building
  5. Glass Type
  6. Other insulation methods in the building
  7. Other shading methods such as trees or canopies
  8. Age of building
  9. Number of occupants
  10. Aircon spend (if known)
  11. Heating spend (if known)