Printed Frost for Periscopix

Periscopix are an agency based in London, with a hard earned reputation and a fabulous, eye-catching brand – something they wanted to illustrate throughout their headquarters. Aware that glass manifestation is required to satisfy building regulations and glazing legislation, the challenge was to create something that was both functional and suitably inspirational. This is where The Window Film Company came in...

The benefits of a strong brand are well known, and a vital component of any successful brand is visual identity. Window film is an impressive yet cost effective way of incorporating branding into the very fabric of your premises, bringing to life internal glazing whilst also showcasing your company’s identity to passers-by and visitors.

By printing a full colour design onto our Frostbrite frosted film, it was possible to achieve a number of functional, yet aesthetically pleasing functions. The opaque nature of frosted film provides an element of privacy for meeting rooms and the office frontage, whilst also meeting the manifestation requirements set under art M of the Building Regulations of 2000. The flexibility and durability of Frostbrite means that colour imagery can be printed onto it with crystal clear, vivid results.

The intricate nature of the branding was replicated by printing the design directly onto large sheets of film, before computer cutting elements of the branding that snake their way around the building’s glazing, both above and below the frosted element of the job.

The final result achieves meets the required functional requirements whilst giving the office an appearance that says quality, creativity and professionalism.

Click here to download this case study as a PDF document.